Well, I know this is meant to be a painting blog, but I figured to keep the momentum going (and to prove that I've not been doing nothing for the last week) I'd post this unpainted figure up.
This is the Forgeworld Games Day 2011 limited-edition model, which is likely going to be one of the centrepieces of the army. The plan I currently have is that the army will depict the late-crusade period, where earlier MkII and MkIII marks of armour were still in widespread use but the MkIV and MkV types were starting to see deployment. The model here is depicted in MkIII Armorum Ferrum plate, designed for close assault and boarding actions. Likewise, with the shield and hammer the miniature depicts a warrior who eschews ranged combat in favour of a more up-close and personal approach to war.
As I mentioned, because of its limited-edition nature this will be a centrepoint of the final army- either a company leader or champion. Also, following my tradition of starting at the top of the army and working down- painting the more-detailed characters first and then moving on to the line infantry- this will probably be the first model done. After this I'll move on to either a Tactical, Assault or Terminator squad.
As it stands the colour choice is likely going to be the VIII Legion (Night Lords). Thanks to all those on this blog, on Facebook and in person who sent in ideas and let me bounce off them (and also to Aaron Dembski-Bowden whose Night Lords novels have also served as inspiration). Hopefully I'll be able to do justice to these cracking miniatures I've got lined up to work on...
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